So I read scripture to try to make sense of it, to find some
solace for my aching heart. I read 2nd Corinthians, the section
about Paul’s “thorn” in which Paul asks God to remove the thorn but God says
no, the thorn stays. God’s words to Paul:
I think about God’s response and how I can find some peace
in His words. I suppose the Lord’s power is being made perfect because of my
own incredible weakness. As if His power could be any more perfect. So glad I
can help, that I can do something to make Him beyond perfect. Just doing my
part being incredibly weak. But I digress. . .
For me, this message should be my mantra—“my grace is sufficient
for you.” This is God comforting me when I feel the sadness, the loss, the
anger, the endless questions about His plan and His goodness in light of this
horrible human tragedy. My brother gets killed, it hurts, and I look to heaven
and remind myself that He said His grace is sufficient.
So I suspend my lack of understanding. Nothing changes what
happened. If I’m angry with God, disappointed in a life full of things that
seem unfair, nothing changes. But if I trust the Lord, it changes my heart, it
gives me peace beyond understanding because He has said to me, directly to me, “My grace is
sufficient for you.”
Miss you, little brother.